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Author Topic: Message from Martin Furey  (Read 34575 times)
Bodhrán Player
Posts: 7,905

« on: March 31, 2008, 12:30PM »

Just received the following email from Martin:

"I wanted to write and say hi and thanks for your hospitality and support in Florida and also, I wanted to make an appearance on Celtic Woman's blog n say hi and "BIG LOVE and thanks for New York" on behalf of US,THKs!!! I would appreciate it, if you wouldn't mind, conveying our deepest thanks and our sincerest regards to all who were with us in Florida, to ALL who have been so nice to us on CW blog and also, to the crew and cast of Celtic Woman and to The Women themselves. We are lucky to have your support and appreciate it entirely and so, Thanks, from the high kings!!!"

Martin has also registered an account here, so if we're all good little girls and boys, we may be hearing from him from time to time.   Wink

If anyone has my email address saved, you can delete it. I got tired of subsidizing AT&T.
Bodhrán Player
Posts: 5,442

Smile, you never know who's watching.

« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2008, 12:50PM »

Thanks Rich for relaying his message.  I so can't wait to see them live!!!!!!

Happy is what happens, when all your dreams come true!

Bodhrán Player
Posts: 5,973

« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2008, 01:42PM »

That's great Rich. Glad to know the HK know of us.


"Never again shall one generation of veterans abandon another."

For those who fought for it, Freedom has a taste the protected will never know.

A Thiarna, déan trócaire
A Chríost, déan trócaire
A Thiarna, déan trócaire
penguin laminating device
Sr. Member
Posts: 452

« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2008, 01:48PM »

Martin has also registered an account here, so if we're all good little girls and boys, we may be hearing from him from time to time.   Wink

Does this mean I have to hide in the root cellar again Uncle Rich?
Bodhrán Player
Posts: 7,905

« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2008, 02:23PM »

Does this mean I have to hide in the root cellar again Uncle Rich?
You can come out if you promise to be good!   Cheesy

If anyone has my email address saved, you can delete it. I got tired of subsidizing AT&T.
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 4,512

« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2008, 04:28PM »

AWWWWW...that's so sweeeeeet..!

See..I am being nice  Grin

Honorary Roadie
Posts: 4,106

Mission Accomplished :)

« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2008, 04:51PM »

Awwww!!! YAYAYAY! That's SO completely cool and nice of Martin to send that message, and many thanks to Rich for being the messenger.  Cheesy I'm so proud of the THK guys and how awesome they're doing. I'm not worried about not being able to see them on tour this time. I'm pretty sure with how great they're doing there will be more opportunities in the future to see them live and show my support for them!

Martin has also registered an account here, so if we're all good little girls and boys, we may be hearing from him from time to time.   Wink

*sigh* I suppose we can all TRY to behave.  Roll Eyes Grin

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."
Bodhrán Player
Posts: 5,973

« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2008, 05:29PM »

Well, the Celtic Woman ladies are the Queens and now we have the High Kings. We have Royalty here.

I never saw the Clancy's either but I know their music.


"Never again shall one generation of veterans abandon another."

For those who fought for it, Freedom has a taste the protected will never know.

A Thiarna, déan trócaire
A Chríost, déan trócaire
A Thiarna, déan trócaire
Total Fanatic
Posts: 1,730

« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2008, 06:24PM »

Martin. thanks for stopping by.
Those of us here are big fans of your music, and are lookng forward to the touir. Your music hits us all close to home. Your aren't coming near me this tour but I look forward to seeing you soon.  Let me know.

Truth is just like time, it catches up, and it just keeps going.  DW
Full Member
Posts: 145

« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2008, 12:48PM »

Martin!  We love you!  Thanks for stopping by.  What is going on with the 1st 3 concerts???  We were looking forward to seeing you at the M&G in St. Louis!  We have tickets to 4 shows across the country - I've been counting the days!  Hope this all gets worked out soon!
Charlie & Norma Brock
the high kings
Posts: 2

« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2008, 02:51AM »

testing one two threejavascript:void(0);javascript:void(0);javascript:void(0);
the high kings
Posts: 2

« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2008, 03:14AM »

AAAAAA haaaaaaa!

Figured out how to post on this thaing!!!

OK,at home ,gettn ready to boxer dog's snoring beside me here ,lunches packed n kids at school...etc.....

We are all looking forward to our tour and CAN'T WAIT to be playing these HUUUUGE venues courtesy of "the Queens"!!Deftly put Jim!!

We have just been non stop since we got back and things still aren't as busy as they seem certain to be,in the very near future!!!:)It feels gorgeous that people here are delighted to be able to listen to their own music,as envisioned by David Downs and as performed BY US THK

We have all been working really hard on our music for many years and are thrilled that all our hard work has amalgamated into this opportunity to REPRESENT the songs and the writers of our Celtic Culture(in particular on our album,that means Ireland obviously BUT, there are one and a half Scots songs on there too ya know!)

....and best of all,WE GET TO HAVE FUN!!!Singing n Playing!!!

So,Thanks very much again n see yiz at the BBQ!!!

Total Fanatic
Posts: 1,730

« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2008, 03:28AM »

Hi Martin,

We're all anxiously awaiting your tour over here. It looks lilke you guys have quite the busy schedule ahead of you. Hope you find the time to enjoy yourselves a bit while you're here. Thanks for stopping by, and more importantly thank you all for the wonderful music. Feel free to stop by as often as time permits, and if there is anything we can do to help you all out just ask. Looking forward to seeing you in the near future.


Truth is just like time, it catches up, and it just keeps going.  DW
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 4,512

« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2008, 03:33AM »

Martin! Welcome to our humble abode Cheesy.

Glad your enjoying your down time, before it become hectic, but what a wonderful hectic.

I am soooooo looking forward to seeing you Lads on April 29th in Columbus.

All of you have a safe trip over and a GREAT TOUR!

and give the Boxer an extra pat of me (love animals)


Bodhrán Player
Posts: 5,442

Smile, you never know who's watching.

« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2008, 04:20AM »

Welcome Martin.  Thanks for visiting and letting us know whats going on.  Good luck with the tour and can't wait to see you guys.

Happy is what happens, when all your dreams come true!

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